Policies can be move unto the MID by making a post request with the parameters below to the following end point;
POST | https://api.nicmid.com/apiv1/motor_policies/ |
reference | String | Yes | This is a unique reference number that uniquely identifies each record of motor policy. IT must be unique for each entry. This is not the policy number of the policy and hence must be unique. |
server_reference | String | No | This is a unique reference generated by the server to uniquely identify each record of motor policy created. |
policy_number | String | No | This is the policy number generated by the MID Engine. |
vehicle_registration | String | yes | This is the Vehicle Registration number. Eg. “GT 7771 17” |
make | String | Yes | This is the make of the vehicle eg: “Toyota” |
model | String | No | This is the model of the vehicle eg: “Avalon” |
chasis_number | String | No | This is the chasis number of the vehicle |
body_type_code | String | Yes | This is the body type code of the vehicle. Refer to the body type codes table in the appendix |
seats | Decimal | Yes | This is the number of seats in the insured vehicle |
year_of_manufacture | String | Yes | This is the year of manufacture for the vehicle eg: “2019” |
cubic_capacity | Integer | No | This ithe cubic capacity of the vehicle. Eg. 1800 cc, 2200 cc |
mileage | Integer | No | This is the mileage covered by the motor vehicle. It should be in miles |
fleet | Boolean | Yes | Indicates if the vehicle belongs to a fleet, Boolean defaults to false |
currency_code | String | Yes | This is the currency cod of the policy. Refer to the currency codes table in the appendix eg: “GHS” |
exchange_rate | Decimal | Yes | This is the exchange rate for the policy |
cover_type_code | String | Yes | This is the code for the cover Type. Refer to Cover_Type_Code under appendix |
schedule_code | String | Yes | This is the code for the Schedule. Refer to Schedule Code under Appendix |
computation_type_code | String | Yes | This is the code for the computation type. Refer to the computation types table in the appendix |
days | Integer | Yes | This is the number of days covered by the policy |
inception_date | String | Yes | This is the inception date of the policy and is of the format “YYYY-MM-DD” eg. “2019-01-29” for 29th January, 2019. |
expiry_date | String | Yes | This is the expiry date of the policy and is of the format “YYYY-MM-DD” eg. “2019-01-29” for 29th January, 2019. |
sum_insured | Decimal | Yes | This is the sum insured amount for the policy it is required under comprehensive policies, Send 0 if it does not apply |
sum_insured_rate | Decimal | Yes | This is the sum_insured_rate |
sum_insured_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is the charge for the sum insured amount on the policy |
excess_type_code | String | Yes | This is the type of excess taken by the customer. Refer to the Excess Type Codes table in the appendix |
excess_rate | Decimal | This is the rate applied for the excess chosen | |
excess_amount | Decimal | This is the amount of excess take by the customer | |
excess_charge | Decimal | This is the charge for the excess amount taken | |
total_premium | Decimal | Yes | This is the total premium charged for policy |
co_insure_code | String | No | This is the short code for the insurance company with whom the policy is co_insured. |
co_insure_rate | Decimal | No | This is the percentage of the policy that is co_insured |
co_insure_amount | Decimal | No | This is the proportion of the policy’s sum insured that is co_insured |
tppd_limit | Decimal | Yes | This is the TPPD Limit of the policy |
tppd_rate | Decimal | Yes | This is the TPPD rate of the policy |
extra_tppd_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is the charge for extra tppd taken by the client. Send 0 if not applicable |
basic_premium | Decimal | Yes | This is the basic Premium for the policy and is equal to the tariffs defult premium for third party cover. |
adjusted_premium | Decimal | Yes | This the basic_premium plus the the sum_insured_charge |
sticker_fee | Decimal | Yes | This is the sticker fee charged on the policy |
personal_accident_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is the charge for Personal Accident |
levies | Decimal | Yes | This is the levies charged on the policy |
perils | Decimal | Yes | This is amount of cover take for perils |
ecowas_peril_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is the Ecowas peril charge charged on the policy, pass 0 if not applicable |
brown_card_fee | Decimal | Yes | This is the fee charged for Ecowas brown card on the policy |
personal_accident_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is the charge for personal accident. Pass 0 if not applicable |
extra_seats_charge | Decimal | yes | This is the charge for extra seats in excess of the default seating capacity of the policies body type. Pass 0 if not applicable |
additional_peril_charge | Decimal | Yes | This is charge for additional peril cover take on the policy. Pass 0 if not applicable |
discounts | JSON Object Array | Yes | This is a JSON object array that contains the list of discounts given on the policy. Refer to the Discounts Structure under appendix. Pass and empty array [] if not appllicable |
total_discounts | Decimal | Yes | This is total discounts given on the policy. Pass 0 if not applicable |
sub_total_premium | Decimal | Yes | This is a total premium excluding total_discounts and total_loadings |
legacy_policy_number | String | Yes | This is the policy number generated by the insurance companies underwriting software |
Comment | Text | No | This is a comment give on the policy for future referencing purpose. |
branch_code | String | Yes | This is the code for the Branch code. This code can be obtained by visiting branches under the mid portal. |
loadings | JSON Object Array | Yes | This is array that contains the list of loadings given on a policy. Pass an empty array if not applicable |
total_loadings | Decimal | Yes | This is the sum of loadings given on the policy. Pass 0 if not applicable |
customer | JSON object | Yes | This container information on the customer in whose name the policy is written. Refer to customer structure under appendix |
intermediary | JSON Object | Yes | This container information on the Intermediary for the policy. Refer to Loadings structure under appendix. |
transaction_date | String | No | This is the transaction date of the policy which default to the current days date. It is not required and hence can be ignored |