Select the currency for the transaction the default is Ghana Cedi. This then display the exchange rate of the selected currency (If the exchange rate is not displayed contact the System Administrator to setup the exchange rate).
Select the Inception, Expiry date of the policy or Select the policy duration from the dropdown (Short term, Prorate or One year), if it is a Short term or Prorata the system requires you to enter the no of days, this automatically calculates the expiry date. If a duration is ‘One Year’ is selected the default No of days is 365.
Select Cover Type (Third Party, Comprehensive, Third Party Fire and Theft) from the drop down combo box. Select the Schedule Type from a drop down list (This displays all the various Motor Insurance Schedule or Usage ie Private Individual, Private Corporate, Commercial Own Goods and etc. If a ‘Third Party’ is selected the system will compute Premium Payable using the agreed Motor Tariff . If a ‘Comprehensive’ or ‘Third Party Fire and Theft’ is selected the system require user to enter the Sum Insured Amount and will compute Premium Payable using the agreed Motor Tariff and Sum Insured Rate.
Excess is an amount payable in the event of a loss, and is the uninsured portion of your loss, so when you submit a claim you’ll have to pay an excess
From the Excess drop down list, select the Type of Excess if ‘Excess is bought ‘ is chosen a default rate from the Motor Tariff ( 10% for Private Vehicle and 15% for Commercial Vehicle) will be use compute the Excess Amount and will be added to the Premium Payable build up to get the Total Premium Payable.
Co Insurance
Co Insurance may be applied of the Policy if the business is the risk is being shared by other insurance companies. Select the insurance company form the Co Insure drop down List .Enter the Co Insure rate, this automatically compute the Co insurance Amount on Screen.
. MID allow an additional loading entries to be attached to a Policy.
- From the Loading frame.
- Click on the Additional Loading Button to display a list box populated with Driver Age, Vehicle Age, cubic capacity .
- Select the Loading Type from the drop down list enter the rate to be apply to compute the loading amount which is then added to the premium computation.
- MID allow clients to earn discount on a
- From the Discount Frame.
- Click on the Add Discount Button to display a list box populated with Discount Type (No Claim, Fleet Other Discounts ).
- Select the Discount Type from the drop down list enter the rate to be apply to compute the Discount amount which Automatically re compute the Premium Payable to include the total discount Amount.
‘Save’ Activate the „SAVE‟ button to save the entries. When the saving is successful the system automatically displays a message „New record Created”. If not successful the System will pop an Error message label on the top right corner indicating the reason why it was no successful.
‘Edit ‘ This allow the User to Edit the keyed in Policy After it has been saved
Authorised Button –