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  3. Insurance Co. Integration Documentation
  4. Appendix
  5. Intermediary Structure

Intermediary Structure

Below is the data structure for sending and receiving intermediary information on the MID;

number String No This is the intermediary’s number generated by the mid Engine
first_name String Yes This is the intermediary’s first name
Last_name String No This is the intermediary’s last name
Other_names String No This is the intermediary’s other names
Email String No intermediary’s email address
Phone String Yes intermediary’s phone number
Reference String Yes Local intermediary’s number generated by insurance company’s in house software
Branch_code String Yes The branch code of the customer as defined by the insurance company under branch setup
intermediary_type_code String Yes This is the code for the intermediary type which can be one of;

·      01: Agent

·      02: Broker

·      03: Reinsurance

·      04: Direct

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